Impact of Archiving Cards

How archived cards affect the "Export" feature, the "Change History" feature, the "Bulk Email" feature, and the "Number of Responses" feature on the Form List page.

About Change History

Archived cards are displayed in the "Change History."

Even when restored from the archive, the history is still recorded in the "Change History."

Impact on Submission Count

Archived cards are excluded from the "Pending" category and are counted in the "Archived Count."

However, archiving does not affect the "Total Submission Count."

Impact on Export Function

When exporting, you can choose whether to include archived cards or exclude them.

If you want to include archived cards in the export, check "Include Archived" in the export modal.

If you want to exclude archived cards from the export, uncheck "Include Archived" in the export modal and click the "Export" button.

Impact on Mass Email Distribution Lists

When creating distribution lists with the mass email distribution function, you can choose whether to include archived cards or exclude them.

If you want to include archived cards when creating distribution lists, check "Include Archived" in the distribution list creation modal.

If you want to exclude archived cards when creating distribution lists, uncheck "Include Archived" in the distribution list creation modal and click the "Create" button.