About setting up code forms

How to install created code type forms.

After coding the necessary elements, please set the URL where you want the form to be displayed in

Settings page "For Developers>Code Placement" under "Form Placement URL".

Please use a URL that is always SSL-secured.

Specify all URLs where the form might operate, including the development and staging environments.

After setting the URL where the form is placed, fill in and set the completion page URL in

Settings page "For Developers>Code Placement" under "Redirect URL after Form Submission".

If left blank, it will transition to the page provided by formrun after the form submission is completed.

Once the above tasks are completed, click the update button to finalize all settings.

When you press the update button, the form placement becomes active. Perform test input and submission from the placed form and check the sent data on the list & board page.