About the security checklist

We ask formrun users themselves to fill out the security check sheet. Information required to fill out the security check sheet.

Viewing the Security Checklist

By clicking the button below and filling out the form, you can view the completed security checklist.

If we need to check or fill out any content,

After confirming the security sheet, we will fill out the security checklist you provide, provided that you agree to subscribe the PROFESSIONAL plan for 12 months or more at a monthly rate of 25,800 yen (excluding tax).

Points to Note

  • The answers that can be provided by formrun are limited to the publicly available information, such as the security check sheet and formrun terms of service mentioned above. We refrain from answering questions beyond the range of published information because it is confidential. We appreciate your understanding in this regard.
  • It takes about two weeks from the time of application until the return of the security checklist.
  • Downloading the content published by formrun and filling it out as much as possible before applying may speed up the delivery of the security checklist.
  • We currently do not support security checklists in languages other than Japanese.

After confirming the above, if you wish for our company to fill out the security checklist, please apply from the application form.