About IP Whitelist Management (PROFESSIONAL Plan and Above)

You can set up the formrun management page so that it cannot be accessed from any IP address other than the one you set up.

What is IP Whitelist Management?

By restricting access to formrun's management page by IP, you can ensure that only specified IP addresses can access formrun's management page.
Please note that only "Team Owners" can configure this setting.

How to Configure

From the settings page "Team > Team Settings > IP Whitelist Management,"

At the top of the page, you will see "Your Current IP,"
Copy this and paste it into "IP Address."

You can save up to 10 IP addresses.

If a Team Owner makes a mistake in setting an IP address or to prevent a situation where no one can access,
Team Owners have unrestricted access to the formrun settings page and are not limited by IP restrictions.