About the report page for bulk email delivery

What you can check on the Bulk email report page and how to move from one page to the next.

Transition to the Report Page

You can transition to the report page from the "Open Report" link of emails with a "Sent" status on the Bulk Email Distribution page.

Information Available on the Report Page

On the report page, you can review the following information for the emails you sent, including individual email addresses:

  1. Total Sent Count: The total number of email addresses to which emails were sent.
  2. Total Sent Completed Count: The number of emails that successfully reached the recipients' mail servers.
  3. Open Count: The number of email addresses where the emails were opened.
  4. Unopened Count: The number of email addresses where the emails were not opened.
  5. Click Count: The number of email addresses that clicked on links within the emails.
  6. Error: Email addresses for which delivery failed (hard bounces).
  7. Delivery Stop: Email addresses where end users opted out of receiving emails after delivery.

Please note that it is currently not possible to export the contents of the report page in formrun.

【1. Total Sent Email Addresses】
This refers to all customers in the distribution list.

【2. Total Sent Completed Email Addresses】
This refers to the number of emails successfully sent among the addresses listed in (1).

【3. Opened Email Addresses】
This refers to the addresses that opened the emails among those listed in (2).

※ If the email recipients (end users) open the email in "text format," it may be treated as "unopened."

The emails sent from formrun contain special images that are accessed when the email is opened. Opening the email triggers access to the special image, counting as "Opened Email Addresses." If the email is opened in text format, access to the special image may not be detected, resulting in a "Not Opened" status, and it may not be reflected in the "Opened Email Addresses" count.

【4. Unopened Email Addresses】
This refers to email addresses that did not open the emails among those listed in (2).

【5. Clicked Email Addresses】
This refers to email addresses that clicked on links within the emails sent. If there are multiple links in the email, all email addresses that clicked on any of the links will be counted.

【6. Error】
This refers to the state where emails were not delivered due to system or email address issues.

【7. Delivery Stop】
This refers to email addresses where customers opted to stop receiving emails after email delivery. After this email, further emails cannot be sent to these customers.