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  2. Customer Database
  3. 3.Import/Export customers

How to import into the customer page

How to import customer information and apply labels on the customer screen.

What is Importing to the Customer Page?

You can directly import customer information from the customer page.
You are able to import basic customer fields data.

For details on the basic customer fields, please check here.

Note that if you import customer information that already exists on the customer page or if it's resubmitted from a form, it will be overwritten on the customer page.
※ Customer information is created based on the email address.

※ Also, during the import, the data (label information, basic customer field information) will always be overwritten if there's data present in the import file.

The maximum file size for import is 5MB.
※ As a guideline, 5MB corresponds to about 50,000 to 100,000 email addresses.

How to Import to the Customer Page

1. To import to the customer page, click on "Customer Data" in the top right of the customer page, then click "Customer Import".

2. Download the CSV format template from the Data Template Download.

3. Fill in the template with the data you want to import and save it.

4. Upload the completed data from ② File Upload.

The maximum file size for import is 5MB.
※ As a guideline, 5MB corresponds to about 50,000 to 100,000 email addresses.

5. Import from the confirmation page.

After uploading the file, the importable customer information will be displayed on the confirmation page.

※ If there's an incorrect format in the email address, an error will be displayed.

Click the "Import" button after checking. The import of customer information is now complete.

You can assign label information to customers during import by specifying it in the label column of the import file.

In the column where the file label is listed, assign the appropriate label for each customer.
You can assign multiple labels separated by commas.

Note that if you're importing a customer already registered in formrun, the labels will be added to existing labels, and the customer information will be overwritten.

Example: 1. Customer A has label a
2. Import a CSV data for Customer A with "label b, label c"
3. On the customer information for Customer A, it will change to label a, label b, and label c.