About CSV Import

Data can be imported onto formrun by downloading a template.

What is Importing?

In formrun, you can import data for each form, which includes:

  • Automatically creating cards
  • Automatically exporting data to newly created data fields

This feature is particularly useful when migrating to formrun from other form tools or when transferring data.

For more details, please refer to this link.

How to Access the Import Page

Click on "Data Management > Data Import" in the settings page.

Importing Process

1. Select the import template to download.

2. Click on "Download Template".

* If you want to open the template data in Google Spreadsheets, please refer to this link.

3. Input the data field names (first row) and data (columns for respective data fields).

* ① The downloaded template will have display names in the first row and field names in the "_field_1" format in the second row.
* ② By adding the data you want to import starting from the third row and uploading the file, the data will be added below the existing formrun data fields.

4. Download the file in the appropriate format depending on your device.

* If you are using Excel for Windows, save it in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) (*.csv) format by going to "File" > "Export" > "Change File Type".

* If you are using Excel for Mac, save it in Tab-Delimited Text (.tsv) format by going to "File" > "Download".

5. In the "Data Management > Data Import > Step 3: Upload" section of the settings page, select the file you downloaded in step 2 using the "Choose File" button, and click "Upload and Verify".

6. Review the import content on the confirmation page and click "Import" at the bottom right of the page.

How to Open the Downloaded Template Data in Google Spreadsheets

1. Create a new spreadsheet.

2. Select "Import" from the "File" menu in the top-left corner of the page.

3. Select the downloaded file from "Select a file from your device" under "Upload a file" in the "Upload File" section.

4. After confirming the file and import location, select "Import Data".

With these steps, you can open the template data downloaded from formrun in Google Spreadsheets.
For further steps, refer to step 4 of the importing process.

When you perform data import,
cards will be automatically created on the board/list page of the form where the import was performed.

You can use the cards created in the same way as those created by inputting data into the form.

However, the cards created do not have assigned responsible persons or status information.

We recommend setting this information again if you are transferring existing forms or performing other tasks.