About sample code collections

This page compiles sample code that is useful when creating forms.

The following uses formrun.js.

By using formrun.js, you can set up the necessary validation and EFO (Entry Form Optimization) for common forms with just HTML markup.

How to Set Up

If you want to utilize the functionalities on this page, you need to load the below formrun.js inside the <head> and assign the "formrun" class to the Form tag.



<script src="https://sdk.form.run/js/v2/formrun.js"></script>




<form class="formrun" action="https://form.run/api/v1/r/<Form UID>" method="post">





The Form UID can be checked from the settings page under "Form > Form Settings > Form Information".


Phone Number Validation

Specify the attribute data-formrun-type="tel" to the tag.

By doing so, you will set up phone number validation for the input field.

It will result in an error if characters other than the phone number are entered.

 <!-- Markup example -->

<input type="text" name="Phone Number" data-formrun-type="tel">

Setting Maximum Number of Digits for Phone Number

Specify the data-formrun-chars-max attribute in the tag. (You also need to set data-formrun-type="tel" )

By specifying it, you can set the maximum number of digits for text input.

Note: The minimum number of digits is preset by formrun, so you cannot set it dynamically.

<!-- Markup example -->
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="tel" name="Phone Number"

Email Address

Specify the data-formrun-type="email" attribute in the tag.

By doing so, you will set validation for the input field to only accept email addresses.

An error will occur if anything other than an email address is entered.

 <!-- Markup example -->

<input name="Email Address" type="text" data-formrun-type="email">

<div data-formrun-show-if-error="Email Address">Please enter a valid email address</div>

Re-entering Email Address

Specify the data-formrun-type="email_confirmation" attribute in the tag.

Also specify the value of the name attribute of the email address tag you want to match in data-formrun-confirmed-name.

<input name="Email Address_confirm" data-formrun-type="email_confirmation" data-formrun-confirmed-name="Email Address">

<div data-formrun-show-if-error="Email Address_confirm">Email addresses do not match</div>

Number Validation

If you want to specify a validation for only numbers between a maximum of 100 and a minimum of -100,

Specify the tag with data-formrun-type = "number" max = "100" min = "-100" attributes.

By doing so, you will set validation for the input field to only accept numbers.

An error will occur if a number outside the specified range is entered.

 <!-- Markup example -->

<input type="number" data-formrun-type="number" max="100" min="-100" name="Quantity" >

Required Validation

Specify the data-formrun-required attribute in the tag.

By doing so, you will make the input field required.

Empty text fields, unselected radio buttons, checkboxes, and select boxes will result in an error.

 <!-- Markup Example -->

<input type="text" name="Name" data-formrun-required>

Address Auto-Completion by Postal Code

Specify the data-formrun-type="postal-code-jp" attribute in the tag.

Entering a postal code will reflect the corresponding address in the relevant fields.

Specify the fields corresponding to the address with
 data-formrun-type="region locality street-address" .

Here, 'region' corresponds to the prefecture, 'locality' to the city/town/village, and 'street-address' to the town name.
If no corresponding town name is found, it will be left blank.

By entering the values of data-formrun-type separately, you can accommodate multiple address fields.

<!-- Markup Example 1 (When consolidating the address into one field) -->

<input type="text" name="Postal Code" data-formrun-type="postal-code-jp">

<input type="text" name="Address" data-formrun-type="region locality street-address">

<!-- Markup Example 2 (When splitting the address into multiple fields) -->

<input type="text" name="Postal Code" data-formrun-type="postal-code-jp">

<input type="text" name="Address" data-formrun-type="region">

<input type="text" name="Address" data-formrun-type="locality street-address" >

Automatic Setting of Prefecture Tags

Specify the
 data-formrun-type="prefecture-jp" in the Select tag.

By using this feature, <option> tags enumerating the prefectures will be set automatically, eliminating the need to write <option> tags.

By using this setting with  data-formrun-type="region" , you can also use the auto-complete feature based on the postal code.

 <!-- Markup Example -->

<input type="text" name="Postal Code" data-formrun-type="postal-code-jp">

<select name="Prefecture" data-formrun-type="region prefecture-jp"></select>

Change Button Label While Submitting

Specify the  data-formrun-submitting-text  attribute in the button tag.

Upon form submission, this changes the label of the button.

It helps prevent double submissions and improves user experience.

 <!-- Markup Example -->

<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" data-formrun-submitting-text="Submitting...">Submit</button>

Change Button Label in Case of Error

Specify the  data-formrun-error-text  attribute in the button tag.

If there is an error in the form, this changes the label of the button.

It enhances user experience as users can recognize errors before submission, reducing user drop-offs.

 <!-- Markup Example -->

<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" data-formrun-error-text="There are unfilled fields">Submit</button>

Change Button Label When There Are Unfilled or Incorrectly Filled Fields in the Form

Specify the  data-formrun-not-input-error-text  attribute and the data-formrun-invalid-input-error-text  attribute to the tag. (You need to specify both attributes together.)

When specified, if there are fields in the form that are not filled in or if there are fields with incorrect input (validation check errors), it will change the label of the submit button.

Since you can check if there is an input error before submitting, it has the effect of improving usability.

<!-- Markup example -->
      class="sf-btn sf-submit-btn sf-btn-block sf-btn-lg"
      data-formrun-invalid-input-error-text="There are fields that are not correctly filled in."
      data-formrun-not-input-error-text="There are fields that are not filled in."

Displaying an element when a field has an error

Specify the  data-formrun-show-if-error=<FieldName>  attribute to the tag.

When specified, it will be displayed when the field specified in FieldName has an error.

In the example below,
if you leave the "お名前" (name) field blank,
the message "Please enter your name correctly" will be displayed.

<!-- Markup example -->

<input type="text" name="お名前" data-formrun-required>

<div data-formrun-show-if-error="お名前">Please enter your name correctly</div>

Displaying an element when a field has no errors

Specify the  data-formrun-show-if-success=<FieldName>  attribute to the tag.

When specified, it will be displayed when the field specified in FieldName has no errors.

In the example below,
when you input a string into the "お名前" (name) field, the "ok.png" image will be displayed.

<!-- Markup example -->

<input type="text" name="お名前" data-formrun-required>

<img src="ok.png" data-formrun-class-if-success="お名前" />


Validation for maximum and minimum number of input characters

Setting the maximum number of characters for text input

Specify the  data-formrun-chars-max  attribute to the tag. (You also need to specify  data-formrun-type="text"  together.)

When specified, you can set the maximum number of characters for text input.

<!-- Markup example Single line text-->
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="name" name="お名前"



<!-- Markup example Text area-->
<textarea class="form-control" id="body" name="お問い合わせ"



Setting the minimum number of characters for text input

Specify the  data-formrun-chars-min  attribute to the tag. (You also need to specify  data-formrun-type="text"  together.)

When specified, you can set the minimum number of characters for text input.

<!-- Markup example Single line text-->
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="name" name="お名前"
<!-- Markup example Text area-->
<textarea class="form-control" id="body" name="お問い合わせ"

Confirmation Mode

Enabling the Confirmation Page Mode

Specify the  data-formrun-confirm="true"  attribute to the Form tag.

When specified, you can set up a confirmation page for the form.

Normally, data is directly sent when a form is submitted without going through a confirmation page.
By setting up a confirmation page, users can review the fields they have entered before submitting.

When using a confirmation page,
in addition to the usual submit button, it is mandatory to set up a "back" button with the  data-formrun-back-button  attribute.

 <!-- Markup example -->

<form class="formrun" action="#" method="post" data-formrun-confirm="true">


<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-default" data-formrun-back-button>Back</a>

<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Confirm</button>


Display elements during the confirmation page

Specify the  data-formrun-show-if-confirm  attribute to the tag.

If specified, the element will only be displayed during the confirmation page mode.

<!-- Markup example -->

<form class="formrun" action="#" method="post" data-formrun-confirm="true">

<div data-formrun-show-if-confirm>

Please check the data carefully before submitting.




Hide elements during the confirmation page

Specify the  data-formrun-hide-if-confirm  attribute to the tag.

If specified, the element will only be hidden during the confirmation page mode.

<!-- Markup example -->

<form class="formrun" action="#" method="post" data-formrun-confirm="true">

<div data-formrun-hide-if-confirm>

Please enter the data and press the confirm button.




Input form values during the confirmation page

When specified, it will display the values of the targeted fields during the confirmation page mode.

By using  data-formrun-show-if-confirm  together, you can layout the display during the confirmation page mode.

<!-- Markup example -->

<input type="text" name="Name">

<div class="col-xs-9" data-formrun-show-if-confirm>

<span data-formrun-confirm-value="Name"></span>



Save the form halfway

Enable intermediate saving

Specify the  data-formrun-saving="true"  attribute to the Form tag.

If specified, the information entered in the form will be temporarily saved, and even if the browser is accidentally closed, the entered information will be there when the form is reopened.

The saved information will be deleted when the form is submitted.

<!-- Markup example -->

<form class="formrun" action="#" method="post" data-formrun-saving="true">




Spam Prevention

  1. Access the "reCAPTCHA" settings page
    First, please access the following site.
    reCAPTCHA: Easy on Humans, Hard on Bots
  2. Set up "reCAPTCHA"
    Referring to the figure below, fill in and select fields ① to ④
  3. Copy the "reCAPTCHA" Secret Key
    Copy the "reCAPTCHA" Secret Key created in step 2.
  4. Enter the Secret Key
    Enter the Secret Key you copied in step 3 in the form settings page.
  5. Install the following tag in the embedding destination page's HTML 

Add before the end tag of the HTML header:

<script src='https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js'></script>

Insert the tag where you want to display the Recaptcha within the form tag:

<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="your google recapcha site key"></div>

Enable button when reCAPTCHA is checked

  1. Specify the  data-callback  attribute in the tag. Assign a function that enables the button when reCAPTCHA is checked.
  2. Specify the  data-expired-callback  attribute in the tag. Assign a function that disables the button when the reCAPTCHA expires.
  3. Assign the disabled attribute to the submit button.
  4. Prepare functions in the Script tag to enable and disable the submission button.

Behavior at the time of checking

Behavior when the validity period expires

※ Please be sure to add

<script src='https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js'></script>

before the end tag of the HTML header.

<!-- Markup example -->
<div class="g-recaptcha"
  data-sitekey="your google recapcha site key"

<button type="submit" data-formrun-submitting-text="Sending" disabled>Submit</button>



function verifyCallback() {
function expiredCallback() {
  document.querySelector('button[type=submit]').setAttribute("disabled", true);


Operation Demo

We have set up a demo for the above content here.

Use it as a reference for how it behaves during coding.


Address Auto-Complete Feature

Confirmation Page

Alert Dialog

Error Tooltips

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Code Types

How to Send Multiple Fields with Checkbox

By adding [] after "name=XXX",
both data will be sent when multiple options are selected.

If you haven't added [] after "name=XXX",
even if you select multiple options, only one piece of data will be sent. Please be aware.

<!-- Markup example -->
Favorite fields

Setting Up a File Upload Field

The two steps you need to follow when setting up a file upload field are:

  • Adding enctype="multipart/form-data" to the <form> tag
  • Adding the <input type="file"> tag

<form class="formrun" action="https://form.run/api/v1/r/xxxxx" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="Attachment">
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

When Only the Filename Is Displayed and the File Isn't Properly Displayed After Upload

If, in the file upload field, the respondent has uploaded a file but only the filename is displayed, please check the following two points:

  • method="post"
  • enctype="multipart/form-data"

<!-- Markup example -->

<form action="formrun url" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">