Email Notifications for Assignee Settings

There are two types of email notifications regarding the assignee settings: email notifications of assignee assignments and email notifications when a reply is received on the assignee's card. About email notifications regarding assignee settings.

The email notification feature for assigning responsible persons is a feature scheduled for release on Monday, December 5, 2022.

There are two email notifications related to responsible person settings:

For information on how to set card responsible persons, please see here.

Email Notification for Responsible Person Assignment

An email notification for responsible person assignment will be sent to the assigned responsible person when a card is assigned to them.

If the current responsible person is changed and the changed responsible person's account has the "Email for Responsible Person Assignment" feature turned on, an email will be sent one minute after the responsible person change.

How to Disable Email Notification for Responsible Person Assignment

When you open the email settings modal in the "Forms > Notifications" settings, you will find a checkbox that says, "Notify the card responsible person when a responsible person is assigned to a card."

By unchecking this box, you can disable the email notification setting that sends notifications to the card responsible person when a responsible person is assigned to a card.

Email Notification for Replies to Responsible Cards

An email notification for replies to responsible cards will be sent when there is a reply email to a card that is set as responsible.

How to Disable Email Notification for Replies to Responsible Cards

When you open the email settings modal in the "Forms > Notifications" settings, you will find a checkbox that says, "Notify the card responsible person when an email reply is received for the card."

By unchecking this box, you can disable the email notification setting that sends notifications to the card responsible person when an email reply is received for the card.