How to set initial values with iframe embedding

How to embed initial values in the form URL or script URL when using iframe embedding.

Embedding via Form URL

When embedding a form using the URL of the form on platforms like [STUDIO Wix Ameba Ownd], if you want to set default values, just like the basic setup method, input 【?_field_◯=Desired Value】 at the end of the URL. This will reflect the initial values in the embedded form.

For setting multiple default values, refer to the FAQ here.

Embedding via Form Script

When embedding a form using the form script on platforms like [Peraichi Ameba Ownd Jimdo WordPress], if you want to set default values, similar to the form URL, input "?_field_◯=Desired Value" at the end of the value after "@" in the form URL.

For example, for the form "" with the field name "_field_1", if you want to set the initial value as "", input "?" at the end of the value after "@" in the form URL within the script. This will reflect the initial value in the embedded form.

For setting multiple default values, refer to the FAQ here.

Image showing how to set initial values in the form script:

Demo video for embedding with initial values in the form script:

Notes for Setting Multiple Defaults in WordPress

When embedding a form using the form script in WordPress, if you want to set multiple default values, the "&" in the script may be converted to "&".

This is a specification of WordPress, where HTML escapes are performed to safely process special characters, resulting in the conversion to "&".

To address this, please use JavaScript to add a process that decodes "&" to "&" before submitting the link or form. However, please note that this setting method is not covered by our support. We kindly ask you to discuss this with your company's development team, including the feasibility of implementation.