Recommended Handling for Non-Recommended Personal Information and Handling Recommendations

This page summarizes the personal information that we do not recommend formrun to obtain. This page also describes the actions we recommend in terms of personal information protection.

  1. Assumption: Handling of Personal Information Obtained with formrun
  2. Guidelines for Recommended Practices When Collecting Personal Information
  3. Types of Personal Information Discouraged for Collection with formrun

Assumption: Handling of Personal Information Obtained with formrun

At our company, we handle personal information in accordance with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

However, the responsibility for managing personal information obtained and stored through this service lies with the contract holder, who must manage it at their own discretion.

Article 7 of the Terms of Service: Handling of Personal Information

3. Our Company's Disclaimer

Our company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by users or user customers as a result of entrusting or providing personal information to third parties in accordance with the Privacy Policy. Users are required to use this service after fully understanding the content of this article.

Guidelines for Recommended Practices When Collecting Personal Information

■ Submission Content①

We recommend adding fields to the form created with formrun that allow users to agree to your company's policies regarding the collection, use, management, and protection of personal information, as outlined in the "Terms of Service" or "Privacy Policy." When creating a form with the Creator Form, please choose one of the following two methods:

  1. Use the "Agree to Terms" field
  2. Display hyperlinks to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

※ The following is a specific example for Basic Inc.

formrun Estimate Request Form:

■ Submission Content②

If there is a possibility of collecting personal information when exchanging individual emails from cards other than forms created with formrun, we recommend including your company's "Terms of Service" or "Privacy Policy," which outlines policies related to the collection, use, management, and protection of personal information, in signatures or other areas.

For information on editing signatures, please refer to this FAQ.

Types of Personal Information Discouraged for Collection with formrun

With formrun, we discourage the collection of specific documents (PDFs, photos, etc.) that can identify individuals, including the following types of personal information:

・ Driver's licenses

・ Health insurance cards

・ Family registers and similar certificates

・ Passports

・ My Number cards

・ Account information

・ Credit cards, etc.
※ If you are using the field for purchasing products (payment function), credit card information will be stored by PayPal, not formrun, so there is no issue.