Customizing the subject and body of email notifications (PROFESSIONAL plan only)

For a PROFESSIONAL plan, you can customize the subject and body of email notifications.

*Please refer to the FAQ: How to set up email notifications if you wish to use the format provided by formrun without changing the subject and body.

How to set up

1. Click on the setting icon on the form list page.

2. From the "Notification Settings" page, click on "Open Settings" for the “Email”.

3. Check the boxes for "Email Notifications" and "Advanced email settings (change subject and body text)", then click "Update".

4. Enter subject and body text.
Variables can also be used to display form submission data. For more information, please refer to the FAQ: About email variable features (BEGINNER plan and above).

5. Click "Open preview" to review the contents of the email you have set up.

6. Click "Update".

7. Check the email you received.