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  2. Payment form feature

How to set up payment methods in the purchase products (payment) field

Offer payment options to your customers, like “bank transfer” or “PayPal”.

Permissions to set up payment methods

Form Owner / Form Admin.

For more information on form permissions.

Payment Method Setup Process

Only the procedure for setting up payment methods is described here.
For a comprehensive guide on creating payment-enabled forms, please consult this FAQ.

  1. Link with PayPal (optional)
  2. Set up payment methods on the product settings page
  3. Add payment methods (optional)
  4. Confirm the form

1. Link with PayPal (optional)

*If you do not set PayPal, Debit Card, or Credit Card as your payment method, please proceed to step 2.

Please link with your PayPal business account in the "Link with PayPal" page.
For detailed instructions, please refer to FAQ: Setting Up PayPal Integration.

2. Set up payment methods on the product settings page

On the "Product Settings" page, select payment methods to be displayed as an option on the form.
*Please note that this must be set for each form.

You won't be able to update your form unless you select a payment method.

Also, if PayPal linkage has not been completed, "PayPal / Debit or Credit Card" cannot be selected.
If you wish to select it, please start with step 1.

3. Add payment methods (optional)

To set up payment methods other than "PayPal / Debit or Credit Card", "Bank Transfer", or "Cash on Delivery", use the input field displayed under "Cash on Delivery".

Enter any payment method name, check the box, and then press the "Update."
After updating, you can freely edit or delete that payment method.

If you wish to include another payment method, just click on the “Add payment method” button.

You can add up to five optional payment methods. Once you reach this limit, you can remove one payment method to make room for a new one.

4. Confirm the form

By following the instructions in step 3, the person filling out the form will be able to choose the payment method indicated on the product setting page. 

When previewing the form on the form edit page or viewing it publicly, you'll observe that the payment method selected in the product setting page appears as one of the choices in the "Payment Method" field.

Now, payment methods’ setup is complete!

Points to note when setting up payment methods

  • You won't be able to update your form unless you select a payment method.
  • If you have added "Bank Transfer", "Cash on Delivery", or any other payment method, you are responsible for confirming and managing the actual payment.

    Please note that formrun cannot confirm bank transfer deposits.

    To provide your account information to customers, consider using the following methods:

    ・Rich text block on the form
    ・Auto response email
    ・Thanks page
    ・Individual email

    Here's an example image of a form with a rich text block for your reference.

    It is also possible to send a different auto response email depending on the payment method.

    For details, please refer to FAQ: Customizing the auto response email based on the payment method in the purchase products (payment) field.

  • You may not charge fees for each payment method.

    For instance, if a customer opts for the cash on delivery (COD) payment method, you might wish to present the total amount, inclusive of the COD fee, on the form. 
    However, please note that we currently lack a feature that enables you to set fees for individual payment methods and display them on the form.

    Still, you can inform or include the commission for your customers in either of the following ways:

    A)Include a note about fees on the form or in the auto response email or individual email.
    Refer to the image below for an example of using a rich text block to include notes on the form.

    B) Register the commission as one product and allow the customer to select it on the form.

  • If "PayPal / Debit or Credit Card" is selected in the "Payment Method" section of the product settings page and PayPal linkage is unlinked, the "PayPal / Debit or Credit Card" check box will be automatically unchecked.

    Please note that "Bank Transfer" will be automatically checked if you have not checked any other payment method.
  • It is not possible to display "PayPal / Debit or Credit Card" as a separate option or only one of the two.