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  2. Form Archive

Payment for the form archiving (temporary saving) feature

This page describes the payment options for the form archiving feature. Click here to learn more about the benefits of using the form archiving feature.


Form archiving is available for a monthly fee of ¥680 per form (tax excluded).


Payment methods

The form archiving feature is exclusively available to teams that have selected credit card payment.

This feature is not available to teams that have selected invoice payment (bank transfer).

Please see "About Payment Methods and Changes" for more information about payment.


When payment will be made

Payment will be due on the next contract renewal date and time.

To check your team’s contract renewal date and time, please go to "Team Subscription" page on the Team settings, click on the "Current Subscription" tab, and check the "Next contract renewal date and time".


The payment will be processed on the next contract renewal date and time after the archive feature is used.

The payment will be processed upon completion of the downgrade reservation.


Please note that charges for the form archiving feature will still apply even if you switch to the FREE plan.


Cancellation of the form archiving feature

Upon restoration, the form archiving option will be automatically canceled.

The duration during which the form was archived will be calculated down to the second, and the fee for the unused period will be deducted at the time of your next contract renewal date and time.

For details on the calculation method, please refer to this FAQ.